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Waiting for Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 for the Wii

In January 2008 Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 for the Wii will be released in Europe and this is the first time since Medal of Honor: Rising Sun that I´m actually looking forward to play this new member in the Medal of Honor franchise. Why? For two reasons: The Wii´s unique controls and the 32-player multiplayer mode.

Call of Duty 3 and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption already showed that a first person shooter can work on Wii and this new MoH: Heroes 2 should have good controls in it. If so then it is a game worth playing unlike Far Cry Vengeance for example. You can read my review about that disaster if you wish.

I was so disappointed, when I noticed that there is no multiplayer what so ever in Call of Duty 3 or in Metroid Prime 3. I was so anxious to be able to play online against other people by using the Wii´s motion sensor controls that being able to do that in MoH: Heroes 2 is in itself enough reason to buy it. And with 32 players, when Halo 3 has only 16... I think it´s gonna be great, if there are 31 other players besides me who think the same way.