So I haven't make an actual blog in a long time, and not long ago got a bunch of games so I thought I would make a post about what I recently bought. As you can see I've branched out of my regular slew of ps3 titles, and got more Nintendo stuff this time around.
Bioshock 2
I played the original Bioshock on PC and loved it to bits, it was a masterpiece, regarding the sequel I keep hearing mixed reactions so I figured I would get it to personally see what is all about, specially since I found it cheap.
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne:
Been wanting to get into the SMT series for a while now and Nocturne which is it's own story always seemed like the best place to start, the fact that Dante from Devil May Cry is in it doesn't hurt either.
Metroid Prime
Apparently a must-own for anyone with a gamecube or wii, the graphics are very nice but I haven't had much time to get into it.
Metroid Prime Hunters
I have been looking for this particular game for a looong time and believe me when I found it, I was all kinds of happy :P, the title didn't disappoint, with solid controls and great graphics it is one of my favorite games on the DS.
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrows and Portrait of Ruin
I love the last Castlevania series but only played one(Order of Eclessia) of the three Castlevania titles on the DS, it was lucky for me then that the store had both the other two titles I wanted for cheap. I started with Dawn of Sorrow and while I'm liking it, I find the touch screen features very gimmicky and the bosses rather easy.
Pokemon SoulSilver
It's Pokemon.