The entire thing in trying to cancel games due to their country of origin is silly. It was no different from when Ukrainian media claimed that Atomic Heart is "Russian propaganda", despite the very game depicting the Soviet Union as a high tech dystopia.
@mediastupid1: Yawn, Sony fanboys has been saying that since 2013. Meanwhile MS just became one of the biggest gaming companies with their acquisition of Activision, while Sony lost $billions worth of stock due to having to cut down their console sales forecast.
@jsprunk: So games like Quantum Break, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 4, Gears 4, Halo 5, Cuphead, Ori etc don't count as real exclusives? While you are at it, I should point out that many of the PS1's vaulted killer apps, like Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy 7, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, GTA etc were all released on the PC back in the day.
@cornbredxI: If the reviewer find an angle to be problematic then he is free to say it. Just because you don't find something problematic doesn't mean that others who do are "finding offense where there is none".
@tom2750: Maybe you should learn to form coherent sentences and get your head out of the Donald Trump rubbish or whatever you are reading. Racism can be used in terms of cultural discrimination just as well. And I'm sure men are so discriminated against when they still account for most of the world's political and business leaderships, get paid more on average, and mostly don't have to deal with domestic violence, sexual assault etc.
Like I said before, Mr Khan is signing up for a game beta, not a government security form, and how dare he get upset for being presumed to be a terrorist because of his name.
@tom2750: And yet the only one whining here is you. I'm sick of Gamergaters and other professional outrage artists who thinks that sexism and racism doesn't exist just because it doesn't affect you. How dare Mr Khan complain about the fact that signing up for a game beta somehow involve invoking a national security protocol.
@ecs33: Then you obviously have never set foot in China. The country have a growing middle class which often treat video games like disposables, and due to piracy, much of its revenue comes from microtransactions for F2P games.
Fenriswolf's comments