- Fernin-Ker’s Activity
@joecollin: Agreed on Grim Dawn, easily the best of this list and imo near equal to D2.
@esqueejy: homie if this ain't the pot calling the kettle black~Furthermore if the campaign being "only" 8-10hrs is too short for you, there's also the coop missions and pvp. If you don't have people ...
@esqueejy: Takes like this are why so many games are nothing but open world bloat. Yall gotta "get your money's worth"
@Vodoo: Homie you do understand that Gears itself is in a lot of ways a nonstop homage to 40k right? 40k and its aesthetic predates Gears by literal decades.
I never expected a direct sequel. Nice to see for sure.
@naomha1: Nobody is asking for a remake. Just a straight port with a 60fps minimum would be bloody great.
@alex33x: Bro how thin is your skin that the use of the word "actor" instead of "actress" (which has been done per writer taste for as long as the words have existed) puts you in a frenzy about "woke"...
As a big fan of both Prey games (and someone who'd be incredibly happy to se sequels for either), it bums me out that this situation with the name played out the way it did. Still, drama aside, both ...
@USDevilDog: I love RE3, but Rev2 is an actually complete and quite good game imo. It deserves the 10 slot more than RE3.
@duggd1ggler: 100% agreed. The original RE2 both today and in it's own day deserves a spot on just about any top 10 best games of all time list.And while I feel like the remake also deserves a spot al...
@phili878: Desperado is the finest piece of cinema humanity has ever conceived of and you cannot tell me otherwise.
@P00DGE: Amen to that. OP is just salty someone did something silly and neat and it getting recognition for it.
Jeez dude did you *try* to fit as many spoilers in the opening bits as possible? Do you have zero consideration for the people who've yet to play it but wanted a review first whom you've spoiled the w...
@thecupidstunts: Give it time and I'm sure NoClip will probably do one, if they haven't already.
@musicman65000: Story modes aren't the point of battlefield and the BF fanbase doesn't want or need some expanded narrative universe. What they want is the big MP sandbox. Unfortunately EA/Dice have b...
@jagdedge124: DICE was great until EA's garbage management and decisions drove out basically the entire core soul of the team. The people responsible for BF3 and BF4 are long gone, and you can thank ...
That Soul Sacrifice still hasn't seen a console release is a tragedy.
@rodoxthedark: The game has two pretty solid camps. Love it, or hate it. There's not much in between and imo the only way to find out where you are is to actually play it.
The correct answer is all of them except for the dumpster fire that is Other M.Emulation also offers arguably the best way to play all of these.
I'm fine with the offset sticks (and prefer them in fact), but the crappy dish d-pad is an automatic no thanks mates.
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