Back when Blu-Ray was announced, I always told people that HD-DVD would die. Many did not believe, making references to VHS and BETA or whatever it was back then on tapes, before DVD's came to life. I had alot of reasons to believe so, but I'm not here to discuss my reasons.
I am honestly happy that this war came to an end. Whoever would have won, I wouldn't of cared anyway. It's just nice to see Blu-Ray win because of the PlayStation 3. Hey, if BR would have lost, imagine just what the PS3 would have been then. I do want to see the PS3 live, since out of the now current-gen consoles, it definately is my favorite with the games that suits my tastes the best. But that's entirely on a personal choice. I still have to grab one that being said, but without a job as of now I can't. Hopefully the new project comes in soon so I can start working at my new job and buy it one least in time for Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War 3.
All of this to point out one thing: Alot of people on GameSpot are being lame right now. Have you checked the news about Toshiba dropping HD-DVD? Everyone (mostly MS fanboys) were all backing HD-DVD and bla bla bla and what not, and now that Blu-Ray as won, suddenly all these same people say that they don't care about high definition movies and that they never cared and that they stick with normal DVDs anyway. What the hell? And now the Sony fanboys are bashing on everyone else for it. Dude what the f**k?
I mean yeah, I prefered Blu-Ray from what I've seen and learned on the format, but if HD-DVD would have won..would I suddenly be like "OMG HI DEF IZNT WORT ANYTIN RGL DVD FTW I NEVR CARED FO HD DEWD"? No. Am I bashing everyone because Blu-Ray won? Neither. I'm just glad that this war came to an end and that the winning HD format will remain the only one of them. We don't need two different HD formats to complicate everything, just one is fine. The transition for humans from regular tv to HD tv will be smoother with only one format, rather than two.
It's just a great feeling knowing you were right all along lol.