FetusZero / Member

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So I'm almost done with my Insane lown Posse custom theme for my PSP. I've got a few icons left to work out and it's pretty hard to figure out what to do with them. I mean after all these icons I've done, I'm truely starting to lack of ideas for the remaining icons. Why do the PSP had to have so much icons anyway? Still, I'm close to my goal, mostly have the network and a couple settings icons left to do, all while trying to remain into my ICP theme which is getting hard since I can't possibly think of any related stuff about them with the icons, but I still manage to do so. Sticking with a certain color scheme for the different categories and all helped out alot for ideas on each different icons, as well as a few ressemblance between imagesand icons, such as the USB Connection icon, I took the logo of Insane Clown Posse that is made with crop circles, which is totally different from the original icon, yet the crop circles style made me think of an USB icon, stuff like that. Same for the Date&Time settings icon. ICP often went on about the number 17 (some joke they made way back then since their first album sold 17 copies at first, the number stuck as an in-joke through songs in further releases) so any combination giving out 17 stuck with them, such as the time 2:15 (2 + 15 = 17) which obviously makes me think about the Date&Time settings. This is just stuff that sticks to my theme and yet works well with the icons themselves which is pretty cool, but you sure as hell gotta know ICP for that stuff. Anyway, when I'm done with it I'll post a preview image, although I could probably do so right now since I'm almost done, but I just don't feel like taking pics or putting up a preview image right now lol.

As for my video gaming habits, yeah I have many games still to finish, but I had a urge to start playing Metal Gear Solid series again and so I poped in Twin Snakes on my GameCube. I haven't played it since last year and it only adds to my several currently playing games, but a lil' oldies from time to time ALWAYS feels good. All hail Snake!