Even though they help with the teethache I had..man 2 teeth pulled out remains bullsh** to me. I've got the mouth as big as a football right now, yet I'm feeling relieved. Bad stuff happened when being a kid about dentists and now I admit I'm totally afraid of them. I swear I left my finger prints engraved deep within the chair over there at the clinic. Even in a thousand centuries they'll be able to get my identity from that chair. Anyway, matter of fact is..I can't smoke now. Both cigs and weed, both are forbiden for a definite lenght of time. It could make the holes bleed and make it harder for the healing to take place. I so f***ing want a cig right now..but can't. I know it is kinda lame..but any chain smoker out there should udnerstand me. that's not the worst of it..I F***ING GOTTA GO BACK INA COUPLE WEEKS FOR ANOTHER EXTRACTION!!!! and a few fill ins. yep you got it right..I have bad teeth, always had, always will and I'm dreaming of themf ake teeth they'll have to provide me with after the third extraction as I won't have anything left to chew with on the top left side of my mouth. Pretty bad I guess..You know alot of people whoa ctually dream the day they'll have dentures? I do.
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