In reply to Vednor's comment on my last blog at the same time, not everything has been alright lately. I've been feeling rather..dizzy. Like if my head was barely spinning around, mostly like if the world was leaning on the right side for some reason, which is kinda weird. I've come to many conclusions about this.
First thing that poped in my dizzy head, I've been drinking a hell lot of coffee and not much water, like I used to. I'm used to drinking a hell lot of water everyday and whenever I drink almost none, after a while I start feeling dizzy. Now that I've started working as a tester, I've been drinking coffee after coffee all day long and maybe 1 or 2 glass of water at night and that's about it. So my first step in knowing if that is the reason I'm dropping the coffee to my usual morning coffee and will spend the rest of the day with water. Yesterday I was already feeling much better, but I woke up this morning with the same dizzy feeling again. We'll see.
Second thing was some kind of illness which I forgot the name of, but which is about the liquid in your ears or something..or in between them..anyway that liquid around there that keeps your balance might be un-balanced resulting in dizziness and my head spinning around. That could be highly probable if it isn't about the water I've been drinking.
Third option wuld be my pression, which high or low pression can make your head spin around. Eentually though, a drop of pression makes you black out which I've been feeling like this since last wednesday and still haven't blacked out or anything extremly wrong. So I don't put too much believing in that option for now.
I don't really see what else. Hey, maybe I'm dieing lol. Who knows. I'll stick to the water option for now, if it doesn't help or anything well I won't have much of a choice but to consult a doctor or something. Whatever it is, I still go to work and what not, xept I don't do much out of my free time other than sit around or lay around. Might also be that I do spend 7 hours a day staring at a screen when I work, which would make alot of people dizzy to start with lol.