So yeah.. I haven't been on GameSpot in one hell of a long time.. almost one month.
You probably know why since I discussed the matter in my previous blog, which led to me not signing in for a long time and not responding to comments or posting on other people's blogs.
That being said, I'd also need to update my collection since I got new games. I highly doubt I'll come over here as much as I used too, I'll probably come on rarely, once every now and then, unless something can make me change my mind and make this site better since we know it'll never go back to the good ol' GameSpot from back in the days.
A lot of people stopped coming here, and there is less action than there used to be.
That's pretty much it, sorry for not commenting on your blogs or not replying to your questions (looking at you Cub on this one). Might be just a down time, don't know.
You can always contact me with private messages or any other way though, I'm still around, just not on GameSpot 0.o