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E3 Live Coverage ***UPDATED***

I will be watching the E3 Microsoft Press Conference, which is definately the conference I care the less about. Sadly, tomorrow I work making it impossible for me to watch Nintendo's and most specificaly, Sony's press conference. BUT they do say it's going to rain tomorrow over here, hopefully it will so I can watch both Nintendo and Sony at E3!


Well I came around to be able to watch Nintendo's and Sony's conferences too. Unfortunately I missed most of Nintendo's conference and saw only like the 20 last minutes, so I doubt I'll have any emblem for it and anyway, Nintendo's side didn't seem all that passionating..anyway it just wasn't in the last part. I am ready to watch Sony's conference now, just need to get dressed, go get me some cigarettes and some food and I'll be all set. It'll be the only conference I'll have watched from begining to the end since I didn't entirely watch Microsoft since yeah..wasn't that much interesting. Microsoft more looked like..ah nevermind I'll make a blog to post along my thoughts about the conferences maybe tomorrow night or something, although I haven't seen everything.