So it all begins with me taking a day off yesterday (Tuesday, November 17th) to go get my hands on my God of War Collection pre-order. Thing is, you see, with the recession and all, the video games business has been pretty slow (some can't tell with the releases and stuff, but on the inside, let me tell you that it's pretty slow), therefore I have less hours at my job which grants me a great day off every week. Since yesterday was the release of the Collection, I decided to take my day off on that day, perfect plan, right?
No. Sony decided to ship the God of War Collection yesterday, instead of a day or two before the release, ending in every single store in the world having to delay the release of 1 day. It doesn't bother me much, as I still went and got it tonight after work, but damn did this make my perfect plan of an entire day spent playing God of War fail. So not to leave empty handed, I got my hands on F.E.A.R. Files, which will lead me to talk about F.E.A.R. first.
I finally finished (well.. finally.. not that it took me a long time lol) the game and I must say.. it was amazing. Despite the fact that I did not understand a single thing about the story itself, which took me two playthroughs to understand. Now that I know more of it, despite of Alma (the little girl in the game) wanting to kill me, I grew an admiration for her, and emotions of anger towards what has happened to her. As I like to say lately:"In the end, despite you wanting me dead, you are a lovely, bloody child." Anyway, as some of you may know, yes, I like going for multiple playthroughs in a game. It not only helps in a better understanding of the story, but it also allows me to hunt for some more Achievements or Trophies depending on the system. F.E.A.R. is now definitely added into my list of personal favorites into the First Person Shooter genre. F.E.A.R. Files basically is the expansion packs released on PC for the game, but crammed onto a disc for X360 since it never made it on the Market Place. It contains two new campaigns, more Instant Action maps and of course, multiplayer, which I don't really care about, especially since the online community for these games is literally dead (specially with games such as Modern Warfare 2 being out right now). I'll still probably give it a third playthrough before engaging the expansions though, as I'd like to do some more Achievements hunting for the ones I am missing in Single Player, but not sure if I'll do these right away.
So tonight I went and got my God of War Collection. My thoughts so far is that the games haven't changed and are still as amazing as they were back then. It has been remastered in 720p, added with anti-alisasing or something and added Trophies, one list for each game meaning two Platinum Trophies. The whole remastering in HD thing really shows off as an upgrade, though the cinematics that are made of in-game graphics will usually be the exact same as they were on PS2, the rest does show quite an improvement. On top of all this, I've gotten a beautiful voucher for the God of War III E3 Demo, which I quickly downloaded and installed. It is quite apparent that the demo is of a product in development, especially in the music department, but let me tell you that this will be an amazing game is the one I am looking forward to the most right now. During this time, I still have plenty of games to keep me occupied. I recommend the Collection to anyone who does not have the originals and wants to try out the games.. heck, even if you have them, buy them again, like I did lol.
I also ordered myself some more Touhou Project games, which are Mountain of Faith (TH10) and Subterranean Animism (TH11). They shipped from Japan on Monday, so I should get them pretty soon, hopefully before the end of the week. I didn't get myself a copy of Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (TH10.5) since it is yet another fighting game, sort of like an expansion to Immaterial and Missing Power (TH7.5) and since I am not a big fan of fighters, I'll wait until I have a better budget which will allow me to have a complete collection of the Touhou Project series official games. Now all that's left apart from the fighters is Undefined Fantastic Object, which is the 12th installment, and most possibly the most brutal one to date in terms of difficulty. Lasers everywhere!
Sorry about all the colors by the way, I felt like putting a lot of it today. I usually don't highlight every instances, but I felt like doing so this time around lol. I see colors ;D