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First pay day = God of War

Hell yeah! I said it right! Today was my first pay day and straight when I finished working, first thing I did was go buy God of War: Chains of Olympus for PSP! And a bottle of Jack Daniel's as well as new substrate for my tarantula Storm, but that's another story.

So I finally got my hands on my two most anticipated games for PSP: Silent Hill: Origins and God of War: Chains of Olympus. I can tell you that I'm going to be busy for the next weeks! Along with that, I also started gathering some images and see what I can do for Sam's wallpaper. I have an idea of what to do, but I'll to first check if the images will fit nicely with it and possibly create myself some brushes for GIMP. But again, that's a whole other story!

I got home, ate, put a container in Storm's tank so that eventually I can get her out of there so I can get her out of there to clean the tank and replace the substrate, and then I sat in my bed, put on my headphones and turned on my PSP with Chains of Olympus already loaded in it. Next thing I knew, the game was starting.

I checked around the menus. The options are what we would expect for a game. Subtitles, audio, etc. What really stood out to me was the Treasures. We are used to God of War having a bunch of extras for completing the game and certain tasks and let me tell you that Chains of Olympus has them too. It has alot of challenges for us to take on, which to unlock the first challenge, you need to start by beating the game once, and then you can unlock challenges after challenges. You also got additional costumes, videos and what not.

So it was time to select that option in the menu: Start New Game. Or whatever it was called I already forgot exactly how it was called. Anyway, the game starts with a cut scene and right off puts you into the action in little time, before you even know it. It's purely God of War and I must say that the graphics so far are THE best graphics ever seen for a PSP game. The game, entirely from controls to visuals to whatever you want is purely God of War. The first area pretty much is the demo, but somehow felt harder than the demo and some of the treasure chests holds different stuff than in the demo as well.

In all it's simplicity, so far the game is AMAZING! So check that out: I have two amazing, excellent PSP games to play now; Silent Hill: Origins and God of War: Chains of Olympus. On top of that I've got many games to finish on my PS2, but I bet these will gather some dust in the meantime that I beat my two PSP games.