It is now downloadable at the PlayStation Store for North America! HELL YEAH! I've waited ever since God of War 2 for this day, let me tell you that I didn't waste one second to go download this demo.
It is absolutly, totally, God of War! They did a very good job for the controls and the gameplay, the brutality, the scenes, everything is purely, entirely God of War. It is the most amazing demo I have played ever since..ever since..none!
To anyone who likes God of War, has a PSP and feels like creating an account on the PlayStation store, what are you waiting for!?
I'll probably play that demo hundreds of times over and over for sure. Oh yeah and the demo is a whoopin 163MB, so I hope you bought something bigger than the cheap 32MB memory stick that comes with the PSP. My demo sits right there next to few other demos on my 2GB memory stick, so I'll be fine. It isn't the biggest demo I've seen (which the biggest I've seen was over 400MB), but still is a chunk of space if you're low on free-space.
EDIT: I just replayed it AGAIN and..WOW IT'S AMAZING! Next thing you know I'll ditch all of my currently playing list and start God of War on PS2 again lol.Which reminds me that I really gotta continue playing what's on that list, it's been there for ages because I don't play them! Xept for Metal Gear Ac!d which I recently started from the beginning again because I had lost track of it's story.