Which was auctioned off eBay by a good and long time friend of mine! She knew I always wanted that CD, but it is really hard to find and get a hold of, even on eBay. The CD is Biledegradable by, of course, Bile. One of my favorite bands out there.
For those who do not know them (which wouldn't surprise me), they do some kind of what you could call Industrial/GrindCore/whatever else. I've always had respect for these guys, or mostly Krztoff, the lead singer of Bile because HE IS Bile. He goes in a studio, records every instruments by himself and when it comes down to making live performances, he gets up with his friends (from other bands usually) and they perform the songs live with him. He usually will grab the same people to play live which ended up being officially part of the band Bile. I don't know if he still records the same way as he used ot, but until their newest release (which has yet to be released actually) that's how Bile would be re-born album after album.
This music might not be suited for everyone though, as I know many people probably won't dig the sound of Bile. They also have had appearances in the movie StrangeLand, where they perform the song "In League" live in the movie and also appear on its soundtrack. You can also hear them in the movie Mortal Kombat (forgot if it was the 1st or 2nd movie) and appear on its soundtrack as well.
For any curious people here, here is a link to their MySpace page and you can also vivist Bile's Official WebSite.