As you all probably know by now, I'm not one who celebrates all of this much (especially new year). To me it's just the repeatition of the 12 last months over again, all while gaining an extra year in my age soon enough.
Usually, I'm with family and all, a thousand people tryna kiss you and hug you for new year with their mouth filled with champagne and drippin to the floor, but not this year. I'm at home, doing nothing and it feels good actually. Feels good to not have to be crowded in with a bunch of drunk uncles and aunts and wihout the champagne which I find disgusting.
Celebrating New Year's sitting in front of my laptop. Now that's what I'm talking about. I only wish you know who was with me. But hey, not every wish can come true.
As a good fellow though, I'll wish every one of you a happy new year.