I've decided to post a link to one of my Touhou videos, which shows the entire fight against Hong Meiling (Stage 3 in the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) on the Hard difficulty. Meiling definitely has some great looking spell cards, especially when I think of Rainbow Sign "Rainbow Wind Chimes", which to this day remains one of my favorite spell cards in the games.
Now, I've never beaten the game on Hard, I had reached the fourth stage I think, where I died, and always have died there. Maybe one day I'll be good enough to 1CC through the harder difficulties, but I guess I'll stick to the lower ones a bit longer ;p
This time there's no video on GameSpot itself, I don't feel like updating it here, and I'd rather post a link to my vid on YouTube in what we can consider "HD", and anyway it's prettier than the quality I can get here, unless GS does HD vids too for users and I haven't found how yet. Now worries though, the link is supposed to open in a new window, so it won't mess up your current page :]
EoSD - Hong Meiling (Hard difficulty)
Oh and I recently beat Condemned: Criminal Origins on X360, definitely was a strange experience.. The game itself wasn't bad, though I must say it really is better early on in the story. As you progress further, it seems like the story itself is escaping the game or something, or maybe it's the game getting repetitive, can't quite put my finger on what makes it so the game was better early on in the game. It still warrants me buying Condemned 2 eventually, especially that the price has gone down majorly since it is starting to be an old game. So far I've gotten all of the Achievements except one, which is to find/use every melee weapons in the game. I've printed myself a beautiful list of all the weapons and as I replay chapters, I mark off the ones I use. Shouldn't be too long before I get the Achievement for a GamerScore of 970 (yep.. Condemened doesn't have 1000 points, it only has 970 in total), as I only have, according to my list, 2 weapons left to use. So if everything goes well, I should get it in no time and add another completed game to my list in terms of Achievements :]