But not really lol. The project we're currently working on at work finally added testers in their credits, which means I am now in that game's credits! Sadly I can't tell which game it is, if any of you remembers, this stuff is confiential. But hey, be sure that if you ever play the game once it is out, I'll let you know ;p
So now, it means I've got my name in two games, although I know you will never see my name in the first one since it was a kid's game, but some may see my name in the second one.
Talking about this, I might changed function at work, therefore, if I get accepted, I won't be a functionality tester anymore and will be pre-certification tester, which means I wouldn't get my name in the credits of games anymore. It is sad, cause I really liked seeing my name in a game's credits lol. But hey, it also means I'd be paid more. It's only for a 2 months contract though, if I'm good they'll keep me, if not or if I don't like the new functions, I'll go back to functionality testing. Being paid more for 2 months is better than never being paid more lol, although I received my evaluation recently and was raised decently in terms of $/hours, which is good as well. Apparently I am above average in my evaluation, which means I shouldn't have any difficulties going up in the company, which is good news to me.
Anyway, all of this to say that I won't be famous afterall, because who in here actually takes the time to watch the credits of a game other than me? Yeah, I said it, I do take the time and always have took the time to watch the credits after beating a game. I don't know why though, but nowadays it's mostly to see where the game has been tested lol.
Much like I recently found out that Silent Hill Origins was tested at Babel Media, which is in Montreal. Babel Media is a company I applied for 1 or 2 years ago for being a tester, which they refused me due to the fact that I never graduated from high school. And you know what? I am **** happy they refused me, because Silent Hill, out of every favorite games I have, is the only one I NEVER want to test, simply because it would be way too much of a spoiler. I'd love to test God of War, Devil May Cry, even Metal Gear Solid despite it's awesome story telling, without considering all of them spoiled in my face, but Silent Hill.. never. I never want to test it. Anyway how weird would it be.. everything I'd see would look like a bug lol.