Why would war be at my hands? Because I have bought Killzone for PS2. Now, there's ALOT of bad reviews about this game, but for the hell of it (and fortunately a low price) I bought the game anyway. For those who know my gaming habits, I ain't a big FPS player. I enjoy the genre alot and it always have impressed me, but I simply suck at them. Only FPS in my entire game library or any FPS I ever even tried that I was good at is Medal of Honor: Frontline which I own on GameCube. I'm really looking forward to getting much more into the FPS genre, I will definately try to get better at it so I can finally pass the third mission of Call of Duty: The Finest Hour (yeah, that's how bad I suck..the worst being that my favorite part of these games is to be a sniper and that this same third mission requires you to be a sniper).
So knowing how I love to go against the crowd, the bad critics didn't stop me from buying Killzone. And anyway, Killzone 2 for PS3 quite impressed and since I plan on owning a PS3 someday, I might as well begin by the first game. I also own the Killzone: Liberation UMD demo for PSP which I had in a Official U.S. Playstation magazine (which is sadly now inexistent as a magazine itself) which I enjoyed pretty much, although I kept dieing. I have now added Liberation to my Wish List, added Killzone 2 to my Tracked List and included Killzone in my Collection as well as my Now Playing list.
For a side note, I am almost through Kingdom Hearts II. Once I am done with it, (give me a week or 2 I guess) I will engage Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria.
On PSP I have started Final Fantasy which I enjoy very much, but do not fear, I haven't given up on Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, it's just that this MGS title takes me more time to play as I gotta admit, although the controls are extremly well done, I still have difficulties getting used to them. I rock much asses in the PS2 titles yet I have much difficulties being all stealthy in the PSP game. Another thing is the rations. I don't like the way the guys works with Stamina and how Snake can't be cured or anything the same way as the other guys are, and I kinda get disapointed on this point. I liked it alot in MGS3 cause it really felt like survival stuff, where you had to kill animals or gather different plants and fruits to restore your stamina, not go around searching for a ration floating around or waiting for your medics to create some more. I do play it often..but to be honest, all I've been doing is capture enemy soldiers cause man..is it ever funny to capture enemy soldiers!
I'm almost done with Crush, not a perfect game, but done through most of the stages.
Once I'm done with Valkyrie Profile 2, I'll most likely jump on Devil May Cry 3, though I am still waiting to try and get my hands on DMC2 before engaging it.
So that pretty much sums up my gaming news, thought I could give ya'll a little update. So yep, my PSP games particularly don't go further quickly because of Final Fantasy. I never played the first title before and picking it up to play by curiosity got me totally addicted and got me to forget my other PSP games.
In the end, check (or not if you don't want to, I don't really mind it) for upcoming reviews of Kingdom hearts II and Crush. I predict these will be my next 2 reviews and I'll finally be able to lay them down and concentrate on other games. One day, maybe one day I'll be able to go back to my older games, if only I could stop myself from buying so many!