So I was sitting on my futon the other day, watching TV. What do I find? Halloween is airing. So I wa slike "damn..been a while since I've watched Halloween" and once I saw Micheal Myers get that girl and plant her body on spikes and stuff start the violently it was done..I told to myself "why don't we get such good movies nowadays?". It's only when watching that old mvie that I realised how bad movies were nowadays..they are seriously lacking any good ideas. They are just either remaking stuff that's already seen..or try to implement a really stupid concept (uh um..Snakes On a Plane anyone?) Snakes movies were done in every now what? you don't know what to do so yeah let's just put snakes in a place now. WHAT THE **** IS THAT? I think they are killing the cinema industry. Anybody ever seen Cecil B. Demented? if no, I HIGHLY reccomend that that's a movie I like and we will NEVER get anything like that again. But where I truely saw the consequences was when they released Pinochio 2000 back then..I mean damn..what will kids remember late me Pinochio was a great story with that little wood puppet becoming real because of the love of a father and all. Now what will it be? Soon will turn out to be like "hey its the guy who created the first living robot" or something? Where are the good stories that made us kids better people? Nowhere to be found. They take them old stories that were the best ever to our eyes and transform all of it, breaking our childhoods best moments. What's next? Popeye making a new apearance in a space suit to rescue the princess of some unknocn planet and he's gonna eat compressed pills that acts like spinaches?
My final words are these: Instead of releasing stupid movie slooking only for profits along the line, try to AT LEAST make something decent.
Final words maybe not..since I gotta say my last hope in good movies is Tim Burton, as he never stoped amazing me with pure fantasy every human wishes to live..apart from his remake of the chocolate factory which didn't really need to be done, but still remains a sone of the FEW good movies nowadays.