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Lost an emblem! & Storm still can't decide! **UPDATED**

**so for my update, I gained my emblem back. I believe it was the collectors emblem which was missing. Woo!**

I know I lost one, since my last row had 3 emblems and is now reduced to 2 of em. I don't know which one I lost though, I can't put my finger on it. Anyone know if GameSpot decided to remove an emblem? Or if we had a temporary emblem that I was unaware of? That kinda s*cks. I love my emblems. I WANT MY EMBLEM BACK! whichever emblem it was.

Oh yeah, Storm once again decided to leave her newly aquired burrow which was her first burrow back then, and went back into the one next to the heater. That T definately don't know what she wants. Makes me think, yesterday I saw something amazing. I'm used to seeing Storm clean her pedipalps (for those who don't know, a Tarantula has eight legs, and 2 pedipalps which are half the lenght of the legs and situated to the front. Take the pedipalps as is they were their arms for us) but yesterday night, her legs and fangs were all wet, so I know she went in the water dish, and she was cleaning all of her legs one after the other! It was quite fun to watch, but as usual, as soon as I touched the tank, she felt the vibration and she stoped every movement. There's one thing I wonder about when they clean their legs..Do they ever happen to bite their own legs by mistake? lol.

Anyway, last friday, one weke ago. I did not feed her because the week before she had leave one cricket and the cricket died of drowning a week later, and since we were moving, I knew the car ride would stress her and that she would not eat. I then decided to not feed her. Today, I will. I bet she will love it. I'll try to film it for all ya'll people. We might get our hands on a fourth Storm Feeding installement! Just remember that it isn't as easy to film cool scenes as I did before lol. Might look easy, but really, it isnt. For a one minute movie of Storm Feeding, which last one minute simply because I add an intro and credits and stuff, I usually have to film over 2 hours of content which consist of a tarantula not moving, with crickets running about. Interesting 2 hour video, isn't it?