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My first.. or few Blu-Ray movies!

I finally, after all that time with my PS3 and since I got my HDTV and amplifier, bought Blu-Ray movies. I am now entirely in the HD erra with my PS3, not half in it like I used to. Expect this blog to be rather short since I won't describe much of the movies.

I'm in a Chronicles of Riddick state of mind lately, especially since I got the game Dark Athena, so I got my hands on a package that had both Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick on Blu-Ray. Due to the age of Pitch Black though, it isn't the prettiest movie ever in HD, but it's stll much better than the good ol' standard definition. Not only that, but now that I have the game, I even can play through Escape from Butcher Bay which is actually a prequel to Pitch Black. Where Dark Athena stands though, I have yet to know. Definitely two movies I've been wanting for a really long time, but never got around buying them. Good thing that I waited as I now have them in HD.

I also bought 2 other Blu-Ray movies today, which comes from my favorite collections, which simply said, are from Tim Burton. I bought The Nightmare Before Christmas and Sweeney Todd. Nightmare, to begin with, has always been my favorite movie ever since I was born.. or whenever around then that I can remember watching movies. I owned it on VHS, bought it back on DVD when it released in DVD, and now I buy it yet again in Blu-Ray, on and on until I die as I know that eventually, they'll come up with something better than Blu-Ray before I die. It looks amazingly beautiful. It's weird how animated movies are the ones that really shows the difference between standard and HD resolutions. I have yet to see Sweeney Todd, I've seen it before but not entirely and what better way to get a new movie than to get it on Blu-Ray?

I plan on buying just about every other Tim Burton movie I already own in Blu-Ray, simply because they are my favorites and the ones I watch the most often.. other movies I plan on rebuying are the Underworld movies.. but I'll wait for the third one to come out on BD so they release a trilogy pack so I can buy all 3 at once. I want to rebuy those simply because I love them and because they are, apparently, part of the best looking movies ever on Blu-Ray so far. Otherwise, I don't plan on rebuying old movies other than these ones.

So that sums it up pretty well. Now, I'll go watch some movie :]