So first things quickly said, I'm giving up on Disgaea 2 for PS2. Why? Because it doesn't interests me much. I had seen trailers and alot of people claiming how Disgaea 2 was so awesome and what not and better than Final Fantasy Tactics. Now, I truely love FFTactics and S-RPG games style, but as for Disgaea, there is no problem with the gameplay..the gameplay is good, but the story? boring as hell. I truely hate the story. It basicaly sucks to me. The story makes me NOT want to go further cause everything is so..predictable and it just leaves me with absolutly NO interest in the whole story. I just can't play a game, no matter how perfect the gameplay is, if the story is bad to me. So that is why I'm giving up on Disgaea 2 and instead will play some Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and some Zelda: Wind Waker and what not. On to the second part of my blog.
Here I am, yesterday I went to Best Buy and started looking up PC games. I've been searching for years the game Thief for PC and have yet to find any copy of it. Anyway, while realising that Best Buy had absolutly no Thief games, I stumbled accross Condemned: Criminal Origins. The game is said to be a good horror survival game (although don't see where is the horror so far apart from the dead bodies you discover, which is easily part of being a FBI agent) and even so, when I grabbed a copy of it, I didn't even know what the hell was that game, the box art is what got me interested in trying it out. Once I got home, knowing I totally suck using keyboard and mouse as controls, I still tried it out (it's especially hard to use a mouse when your mouse is a touch pad..right) just to see if my laptop could run the game (even though I had read the minimum requirements, I have to admit that all they say is total gibberish to me). Anyway, the game worked fine and very good, some MINOR freezing times at rare occasions, but as I've learned over years it is to be expected of a PC game, unless your the type of guy who buys a new computer every month to get the latest of the latest each time which means youa re rich or your daddy makes money pimpin prostitutes in your neighborhood. So this morning, I remembered seeing a USB Adaptor at Circuit City that basicaly let's you plug your PS1 or PS2 controller into your computer to use a game controler. BINGO! PS2 controller is in my opinion the best controllers ever made on earth, so damn, why not try it out? So I went buy the adaptor, kicked in some Condemned, adjusted the controls to fit on my newly computer enabled PS2 controller and what you know? PERFECT! Aside from like..only THREE buttons that I can't fit on the controller as it lacks three buttons (the specific actions are Ram, Slam and Snap...or something like hell with these.). So now I know I can get my hands on more computer games all while being sure that I'll be able to play it. After all, what's the matter with lacking 3 buttons that you don't even use often? As long as I don't get surrounded by serial killers trying to slash my throat while I have to use one of them on the keyboard.
***EDIT*** I tried that.."test if your PC can run this!" thing on GameSpot which basicaly scans your computer and tells ypou if you meet the minimum requirements to play the PC game. GameSpot says I fail at meeting the minimum requirements for the game Condemned, yet, my laptop runs it quite smoothly which I find pretty dumb of GameSpot then..if they only meant to tell if the game will run without a itch or if it will run slowly, then I guess I'm in the slow rank. Anyway it hardly ever does slow down or freeze which is good...but **** YOU DAMN BASTARD WHO CAME AND HIT ME FROM BEHIND!!! YOUR 2X4 HOLDS NOTHING AGAINST MY FIRE AXE!!!!!!! Oh I need to learn how to take screen shots of a PC game.