Welcome to the second part of my new and old games! This time around I'll write about the blu-ray games I got during my long time of inactivity on GameSpot. Let's start right away, and as expected, they are all on PS3 to the exception of one title which is on PS2 and PS1. Yes, PS2 AND PS1, you'll see.
Now that's quite a good game. One of the few games I would of wanted to try out and was only for X360 (forget PC, I just can't game on PC), and luckily for me, they released it on PS3. Bioshock, to me, is an horror first-person shooter, with a touch of adventure coming from the environment in which it takes place. Also, I really like how everything is so futuristic, but seems to happen in the past with the 50's music and what not. It's a great mix between the two. The storyline seems to be there, but since I recently just started the game, I can't tell much about it, but so far I'm loving it.
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Remember when I used to post videos of songs in GH1, 2 and 3? I could do the same with WT now! I only got the guitar+game bundle, as I know they had a lot of problems with the drums and I didn't want my drums to break so quickly like my Rock Band 1 drums did last year. The game has a great setlist to choose from, and the DLC is pretty good as well. They still lack a little bit on the DLC, but when I see bands such as Oasis, Jimi Hendrix, Smashing Pumpkins, etc in the DLc, I'm thinking to myself "SWEET!". I still play it, but rarely since I already finished the game on Expert difficulty. Problem is, it is MUCH easier than any previous games in the series, especially GHIII, which is the only one I never finished entirely (gotta love Slayer, Iron Maiden and Metallica on Expert).Anyway, the setlist has a good mix of metal, punk and rock, even pop at times (Micheal Jackson's Beat It! I laughed when I saw this but it's amazing). A must in my opinion for fans of the previous games. Oh and, Tool is the sh**.
Mirror's Edge
Many told me not to buy it due to it's lenght. Was I the only person being happy that the game is short? I'm sick of games needing 50+ hours of gameplay to be done. I want short games, damnit! I loved Mirror's Edge because of it's lenght, gameplay, everything, xept maybe the story which is rather.. normal. Otherwise, I really love it. And to people who say the game isn't long enough and doesn't have enough stuff to do, then why don't you simply do the Speedruns? the Timetrials? It adds more replay value and with the way the game is, wouldn't your goal be to have the best time and do the coolest moves to get someplace faster than you did the first time around? I guess people don't see this game the same way as I do, because to me, ME is entirely worth the money. I'm currently on my second playthrough which I'm doing on Hard difficulty. I also plan on getting the Platinum trophy eventually, but I have to admit that the Speedruns and getting 50 stars skill-rating in Time Trials are quite hard.
I know that I mentioned before that I had gotten LBP, but I just wanted to tlel you people that I've finished it at 100% in-game and trophy wise. My first Platinum trophy :] woo!
Dead Space
Same with Dead Space, I believe I mentioned it before, but I now finished it 100%, including Trophies. My second Platinum! It took me 3 playthroughs: 2 on Medium difficulty and one on Impossible difficulty in order to get the Epic Tier 3 Engineer trophy, which is to beat the game on the hardest difficulty setting. Honestly.. I loved the game so much that I feel like doing a 4th playthrough just for fun, but hey, I've got other games to finish.
Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection
Here comes my PS2 and PS1 game! The collection has Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. MGS1 is actually on two PS1 discs, they didn't even port it to PS2 for the collection, they kept it intact on PS1 discs. I mainly bought it for this, although the director's cut editions of MGS2 and MGS3 is a great addition since I had both normal releases of the games, not the director's cuts. I now finally have completed my MGS collection, and plan on playing them all again, including MGS4. There's no need to really talk about the series here, cause who doesn't know Metal gear Solid? Honestly?
So that's it for my new games on discs, and that's basically it for my new games in general. I have no idea what my next blog will be like though.. but good news, I actually posted 3 blogs so far in my 2nd comeback, which is a good sign. Oh yeah and I am now Level 33: Goombella on GS. Congratulations to myself for moving up one level on my 2nd comeback! Oh yeah, stay tuned, I might talk about my job's xmas party we had last friday on my blog because I've gotten two special things..