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New computer

Well I'm sort of back, as you guys who read this blog know that I'm not all that often on GameSpot.

But I got a new computer and right at this very moment I just received a new e-mail saying someone I don't know added me to FaceBook. Yeah, that's entirely out of the subject, but it surprises me lol. She's looking hot though.. anyway!

Yeah, as I was saying, I got a new computer. It's not the best computer ever, but it works for what I do on it. It's an HP Pavilion a6603w with a cheap nVidia GeForce 7100. I don't know the entire specs, as since I'm nothing near a PC gamer, I don't really care for PC specs. It might not be the most recent graphics card, but it allows me to play the few PC games I have, which I finally bought Aquaria off of Steam.

Yep, I got a Steam account now, and all of this because Aquaria was cheaper on Steam than on the official website for the game. There's many good games on there, but I'm totally broke and can't afford any other games at the moment on it.

Oh, also, I'm back on Linux. I lasted a big two weeks on Windows, which after buying my new computer, my first thoughts were "man do I miss Linux". Well.. I'm partially back on Linux, as I simply bought a second hard drive on which I installed Ubuntu as my primary Operating System, and I've kept Vista on the other hard drive in order to play PC games and serve as a media server for my X360.

I must say Vista is one of the crappiest Windows I've seen. Things can break on Vista with no apparent reason, and when you search on Microsoft Support for the solutions, they straight out admit it's a problem in Vista from their part. Good work, Microsoft. Not only that, but it's crazy the ammount of CPU usage it has. Sometimes Vista seems slow to respond if I do too many things at once, and some games I can't run at 1680x1050 which is my native resolution (great having a not recent graphic card..). Otherwise Vista isn't bad.. I really hate the whole "need to confirm before proceeding to the process" thing.. Man I had to confirm 3 times earlier just to install one single program, 3 times in a row did I have to confirm. LEAVE ME ALONE VISTA! One thing for sure is that I'll probably try out Windows 7 sooner or later, since the release candidate version is entirely free for one year before it releases. It apparently uses MUCH less CPU and well apparently is more stable, but ever since forever I doubt this as Windows has never been stable for me, ever since Windows 95.

On Ubuntu though, I can run for the first time ever, Ubuntu with the complete Compiz-Fusion effects enabled. If you don't know what are these, you can always check 'em out on YouTube. It's just plain crazy, and I can run all of this while doing 100 other things at the same time, just to show me that while you can't really game well on Ubuntu, the requirements to do the same stuff as on Vista are much less demanding and much cooler looking, but yeah, it's eye candy as they say.

In the end, Vista is cool cause I can finally run some games I had difficulties with on my old laptop, but that isn't really because of Vista in itself but because of a better computer than my old laptop, which I gave to my sister. But many more things are just bad.. well basically all the rest. Ubuntu sucks that you can't play games on it, well.. you can, if you use Cedega, unfortunately the Cedega software isn't free and not every games are compatible with it. But all the rest outweights this minor issue for a person like me.

Whoop I'm not even talking about my computer anymore lol. My future purchases for my computer: A capture card. I always wanted a capture card, and to top it off I play with capture cards all day at work. I love doing game's videos, and it's so much easier with a capture card than filming a screen with a cheap camera like I used to do lol.

Anyway I'll stop rambling now, I work overtime today and tomorrow, and I'm leaving quite soon for it actually. Yep, I work this Sunday and tomorrow, on Patriot's Day or whatever it is. Stupid holidays in my mind and useless ones since honestly nobody celebrates it over here. People celebrate the fact that it's paid day off since it's "holiday", not that it's a day for the Patriots who marked our history. But hey, since I work on what they consider a holiday, it's like if I was paid twice for one day. Whoop, more money to pay my computer and the new hard drive.

So I'm out now, I'm done for today, and this week ;p