new games for me.
by FetusZero on Comments
Today i got my hands on two gamesĀ was looking forward to..I got Loco Roco (damna ddictive game!) and finally, FINALLY got Ultimate Ghosts N Goblins. Man is that game ever hard...and I love it!!!! It'll most likely take a long time ebfore I beat it, so I'll most likely write a review before I beat it, unlike the other games I'm playing so far....but we'll see. Still hasn't have a chance to land on Disgaea 2, nor did EBgames had it, nor did Wal-Mart, nor did best Buy (and I really expected Best Buy to have it as they usually have all the new games) and any other stores selling games here basicaly s*** hairy crusty nipples and never have any games more recent than the 6 months before. So anyway, one day 'll get it...I need to bust an ass cause many more games are being released throughout these weeks, and that'll only make me more games to finish...If I didn't lend my DS every 2 weeks to my girlfriend, damn would Tenchu and New Super Mario Bros would be finished by now! They aren't the hard games out there to say...though Tenchu does get a bit harder the further you get into the game...I still need to start Starfox Command for good too..and also need to beat Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth before the second one comes out..anyway, lots of gaming work to do..better go play some right now! Love gaming.