Hell yeah, I finally got around buying myself a new laptop. I used to go on the other comp, some old ass computer. It would freeze all the time and I'd have to reboot it every 10 minutes. So since I create music and beats, it was getting pretty annoying. That's when I poped a cap and decided to finally go buy myself a dman laptop. I went at best Buy and let me say...ya know how they always say in their commercials that they let you shop on your own if you don't need help, that they won't bug you? BULLSH**!!!!! They were f***ing glued to my back I swear. And when I say it, I mean it. I've NEVER been struck by so many sellers at the same time. I should complain and say "in your commercials you say you leave us some free place to breathe properly..NOW GIVE ME THE LAPTOP FOR FREE YOU SICK MOTHER F***ERS!" Alot of * in this blog. Anyway, they kept bugging me with their service plans and years to come insurance..I had to tell the dude about 25 times that I didn't want it before he stoped trying asking me it. And then I bought a router for wireless connectivity...again I had to tel him about 20 times before he stoped trying to tell me I needed technicians to install. technicians to install a wireless router???? HAHAHAHAHAHA it took me 3 minutes to install it perfectly. Plus I don't need their insurance..the guy was tryna tlel me how expensive it is to repair a laptop..yeah..right..don't try to dupe me boy, my grilfriend's step dad works in computers and lol it isnt that expensive tor epair something broken on it. Which isanother reason why I don't need their insurance, since if something goes wrong I got someone in the family to help then!
Anyway, that being said, I bought a HP Pavilion.