Yep! I now officially have a Dual-Boot enabled laptop with both Linux FreeSpire distro and Windows XP.
At first, when I'd look at tutorials on how to Dual-Boot a computer, I thought it looked soooo complicated but it really isn't.
First of all I formatted my computer back to the factory settings, which anyway, my XP was filled with errors (thanks to my experimentations with all sorts of stuff lol) and it got rid of them. I made sure to backup everything I didn't want to lose. XP, by Microsoft and their illegal monopoly, of course wanted to use my entire damn harddrive. So I had to shrink it's partition down to make some space. I made Win XP work on a 20GB partition and kept the other 55GB (1GB in all of that is a partition for QuickPlay) for my Linux distro. It really wasn't all that hard.
- Formatted back to factory settings.
- Deleted my PC Recovery Partition of 10GB, anyway I have PC Recovery Discs which makes the same thing without taking up a chunk of space.
- Defragmented XP just to make sure resizing it's partition (which never hesitated in taking over the 10GB of freed space from the recovery partition without my agreement) wouldn't mess it up.
- Started my freshly burned System Rescue CD with Gparted; a partition manager.
- Shrinked XP 75GB+ down to 20GB.
- Applied settings and rebooted XP so it can run a consistency check on it's drive.
- Started Linux Ubuntu, made a SWAP partition along with a new 55GB+ partition for the distro itself.
- Installed it there, got tired of messing around with Ubuntu (it is very far from being as "user-friendly" as they claim) so installed FreeSpire over it.
- Now running wild on FreeSpire, which I currently am on.
Woo. This is just great. Now whenever I power up my computer I can choose whether to boot into FreeSpire or boot into XP. I kept XP for a few reasons only; MSN, because me and my ex just love to play them MSN games together and the best MSN clone for Linux doesn't support the same games, therefore we couldn't play them anymore and also for Sony Acid Pro, which I use to make my music. Well, Acid Pro until I'm done with all I want for my music, which after that I'll look into a new professional music workstation that will run under Linux and XP will be down to be used for MSN only, unless aMSN ends up supporting the same games as the real MSN. I'll also keep it for anyone wanting to use my laptop since I know nobody around me that actually likes Linux, or so they say even when they never tried it.
So as soon as I get everything configured to my liking and all, I'll start being active again, like I used to, especially for the PC Wallpaper Depot.