What a match we got! That is one hell of a fight! OK, not really lol. Thing is, like MANY people (which can easily be found all over the internet), I'm having issues with entering a Credit Card on the PlayStation Network in order to make purchases off of the PS Store. Yep, it just won't go through, although all of the information is accurate and perfect. So, after many attempts, I decided to write to Sony Computer Entertainment America to discuss the issue that myself and many others are experiencing. So far, I have yet to receive a response. I then decided to dig a bit further, and called up my CC company, as well as SCEA themselves.
First: the Credit Card company. Spent half an hour making choices given to me by a machine, pressing the numbers on the phone, up until I was able to get to a choice about "transactions refused" which isn't really a refused one, but more a non-valid one, but that doesn't really matter. Anyway, after talking with the CC girl, who had a nice and hot voice too (now that's what I'm talking about! I'm used to getting people that barely speaks french or english with these kind of companies usually, and that really doesn't sound hot), asking her why it was considered as non-valid although I entered all of my information accurately, if she could give me more details about these attempts, etc. In the end, she tells me the issue is about the CC not supporting the new security (AVS) required by PSN, which if I go to my CC company website, they say they are compatible with it and even recommend the commercants to use it for better and more secure transactions lol. That, right off the bat, doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, she gave me a phone number where SCEA could call to get informed and to validate the card manually, as if they really were going to accept doing that lol. We talking about Sony here, and one customer, is it worth it you think? Nah, probably not.
So I hung up with the hot voiced girl, and decided to give SCEA a call. I'm from Canada, so upon calling there, I get asked by a machine, of course, to press the number 1 for service in french. Being from Quebec and having french as my native language, hey, why not? So I press the number 1. I then get asked stuff here and there from the machine and I get where I want to. Anyway, they kick me in with some wait time that is not specified and make me listen to really, really boring songs. Eventually, maybe 10-20 minutes later, a Sony agent answers my call! Damn, that was pretty fast, faster than I expected at least. Anyway, as expected, the guy barely speaks french and it's harder for me to even understand what he's saying than anything else, so we start speaking english. I don't even think he understood me when I said "Bonjour", which quite simply puts me in the hands of a really bad, almost french non-speaking agent, but hey, I can speak english as well, I'll spare him the trouble, although I did ask for service in french.
So we speak, I tell him about my issue, I tell him what my company said, then he gently told me to wait a little and that he is going to check on this information for me. Back to the almost tolerable music they put while you wait. Mind you, this kind of waiting music isn't only at Sony, but it's in every company that makes you wait while listening music. Eventually he comes back, tells me that PSN supports every major Credit Cards and that there shouldn't be an issue with it, yet, there is an issue, I can assure you. The guy actually asks me what it is for that I want to enter this information on PSN.. um.. I'm not sure.. buy a new car? or a new pair of shoes? So I reply to him "um.. games and add-ons?" what else is there to buy on PSN anyway!? So anyway, that was about it, and he told me "Have a good day Sir" which was nice, although at my place it was 8:30 PM lol. But that's just a detail, he probably didn't know this. Oh, and I did took a chance at asking them to contact my CC company, but they never accepted, as expected.
So in the end, my CC company says PSN is the issue, and SCEA says my CC company is the issue. Great, now this took care of my issue for sure! So right now I'm not much more advance regarding the problem and I still can't buy off of the PlayStation Store. I still believe PSN is the issue, regardless of my company telling me AVS isn't supported while their website says the oposite, simply because there are way too many people on the internet sharing their stories of PSN not accepting their Credit Cards. All of this started when Sony gently updated PSN with new security, all the issues of everybody started then about the billing information. So I guess my best bet is to wait for Sony's reply to my e-mail, or an update eventually, or the PSN Cards release in North America, as they are still nowhere to be found.
I just had to share this story with you guys, cause it's kind of ironic. Everything went as I expected it: One another money making business saying the issue is one another. Although I received good service from both sides, well neither of them actually helped me with my problem and were more like "eh, you're doomed, boy". I'll keep in mind though, that when choosing all these options, at that specific time, I get a girl with a hot voice at my CC company, that's for sure lol.
By the way, I've got a new Video Game Soundtrack coming in probably this week, but I'll let you on in that one when I actually get it.