What's the Storm? Who's the Storm? It is my new pet! I have bought a new Tarantula the other day, a Cobalt Blue Tarantula more precisely, a H. Lividium (I don't remember the H word, scientifically). You can see a picture of a Cobalt Blue right here, though this isn't my little Storm, it gives you an idea of what it looks like. I have yet to take a picture of her.
A little info on Cobalt Blue's: They are one of the most nervous, aggressive and fast species of Tarantulas. They really aren't reccomended for beginners and only professionals should handle this kind of species. They usually come for the Tropical Forest, therefore require good heat and humidity. In captivity as a pet, they eat crickets or pinkies (baby mice) and mine so far eats about 2-3 crickets a day. I have yet to know if Storm eats pinkies, but I will know tonight since I'm going to buy one and give it to her. Usually, for a Tarantula to eat a prey, the prey has to be half the size of the Tarantula or smaller. Males are brown and it's the females who has the colors. They can appear black, but with the right lighting you will see the beautiful shades of electric blue on their legs and they're body. They are ground Tarantulas, meaning they don't climb very much and spend most of their time wandering around on the ground, or more likely in their burrow. They like to dig burrows and tunnels as their home and usually spend most of their time there, though from time to time they will spend some days out of their burrows. Mine as yet to dig a burrow, but it's probably because I didn't put thick enough of stuff in the bottom of the cage or because I have yet to get a perfect climate for my little friend, Storm. I called her Storm because of her temper, being violent, aggressive, unpredictable and beautiful, just like a storm.
On a second note, I have finally gained the Tagger King emblem. Woo!
I also am ready for the final fight in Kingdom Hearts 2, I am just going through the different worlds finishing every single mission and minigames avaible to me, that way I'll have every world completed at 100% before ending the game.
I also am almost finished with Final Fantasy on PSP, I have only the last dungeon to complete, but before that I'm taking the time to beat the 4 extra dungeons in the PSP version so I have my bestiary completed and every dungeons with no exeption completed.