FetusZero / Member

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uh...new emblems again?

I've got two new emblems out of nowhere (not that I'll complain, I love emblems). I've got the hella old school one and that outlier emblem which is supsoedly hard to get or something. Gotta admit that a fish in a bowl is a cool emblem. GO FETUS! AND **** YA'LL! LONG LIVE FETUS ONLY!

lol ya'll know I love you.

Reilly's Blog

Go Cancer! Use Slash attack!
Current mood: cheerful

Ok, so. I was on the Gamefaqs Pokemon Diamond forum and people are always asking, "Rate my team!" and "I my team any good?" so I got to thinking. By thinking I mean creating a devius plan. This plan was to create my own Pokemon and ask them to rate it. My Pokemon was my cancer. Yup. I made a topic on my cancer. The topic was thusly dubbed, " Rate my Cancer!1!!!" I put this in as the first post:

"Ok, my Cancer is of Naughty nature.
Move set is:
What do you think? Deadly or what?"

Yup, at this point the topic is canceled but it was amazing. I talked of humor, love, crab battles and the existance of God. It was truly an amazing topic. God himself smiled upon it and the cookies it bared.

Also, someone made a topic about how angry they were that my topic was deteted! Amazing! They are yelling that all I was doing was cheering myself up and making a point of not taking life too serious. I feel honored. People are contributing their feelings about it too. Wow...

Holy crap, another topic based on it. And another? Crap, another. I started a riot of sorts.A revolution?