Wrok starts this morning!
by FetusZero on Comments
Hell yeah. I woke up at 6:40am and I'm sitting here writting a blog, drinking my coffee, listening some music. Man today is sure to be relax since it's the first day of the season we finally start, but it sure will be rough for my body. I've had a biiiiiiiiig 5 hours of sleep. Woo! I'm kinda tired a bit. Ah, my lil dog just gave me a visit in my room. He's what now..4 months old? mm. Nice doggy. So yep, I'm happy we finally start out this season. This'll make me some money to pay my rent at home (which I decided paying myself) I believe at 21 years old still being here, I should pay my share for the place and the food and **** . Plus then I'll be able to buy a car and since my dad wants a new car, I'll probably end up buying his car which is new of last year and goes very well. So it's all good. Then I'll have to pay the whole **** gas which is becoming pretty expensive. Need to save alot of money for next summer to buy a pick-up truck and equipement to associate with my boss in landscaping, so hopefully this'll work out good and everything will be perfect. With all this I'll try to save a bit for my PS3 which hopefully I should get by the end of this summer. .;yawns;. **** , work starts in 30 minutes people. Ya know, all good and **** , but I don't feel like working lol. I'm a pretty good worker, but hell do I not feel like working. Now times will become harder with my girlfriend as we won't have much time to see each other, I'll have to deal things out to spend some time with my friend as well. I'll be spending much less time with my video games as well. I need to start playing Devil May Cry again sometime..I'm at what..Mission 9? no..10 I think. Then I'll jump to DMC3. Eventually I'll be able to buy Valkyrie Profile 2 along with Okami and eventually one day I'll get my hands on Twilight Princess for the GameCube, but if I go too fast with all that I'll end up with no money. The good thing about this is those 3 games are really the only 3 games of this summer that I want so it's all good cause every **** game I'm tracking comes out at the same **** time at the end of the year. It'll do like last winter and for a few weeks I'll be buying games here and there all the time cause them ****ers decided to release their good games all at the same time. Man this blog is going far away from my work subject, but not so much, since buying games also means checking out for my money since I can't buy games out of nowhere like I did before. mm.. **** that! Nah but seriously. If ya'll see me buying games like every 3 days this summer, **** slap me or do something. ight I'm sick of writting big ass blogs in the morning lol but that's all I've got to do before work. Peace out!