Well today has been horrible, first i start to look for a union to join and wen i find some good ones, it seys to join the union you have to be level 3!!! That's so stupid I find a union thats lower than me (in percentage) and it seys i have to be a level 3.
So i decide to raise my level. Oh guess what, I DONT NO HOW TO RAISE MY LEVEl. i thought to raise it was adding games to my collection and wish list. It rose it like 4% but still did no help. Then i got the idea of posting stuff in the gamespot community. It rose a bit which made me happy.
So i decided that that was enuf for today. So i decided to make a signature. Everyone had awesome signatures, so i wanted one. I got a good pic and had it hosted, but then it wouldnt let me put it on my sig. I did the thing but it still didnt work. So i spent hours finding the problem and i cam up with this: which was below the sig edit thingy
"Note: Your current permissions allow you to use the following HTML tags (or their BBCode equivalents) in your signature:
<b><i><u><u><em><strong><center><p><br><p /><br/><span>"
If thats the problem, then this day was horrible
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