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10 days ago

this happened like 10 days ago but im just going to sey it right now.

Well 10 days ago me and my cousin went to blockbuster to sell some of our old games.

After three games you sell, you get 5 bucks for each gameWe got a crapload of money we gota bout $350. So we bought one of those slimline ps2s, donkey konga2, and tekken. Then saved the rest for alter!! this was the recepit


yes for my birthday, my brother got me a PSP, i was so happy!!! it came with a game called twisted metal. at first its hard to play but then you learn to love it.

and to neone who hates the PSP, o well.

nintendo is still cool though.

new avatar and sig

well i just want to say that i just joined like 8 unions and im feeling happy. Also I changed my avatar and my sig to dynasty warrriors pics. My icon is a pic of zhao yun.

I'll make this quick

OK I just logged on to check if my level has raised and it rose only two points. I didn't really care about my level, but what I do care about is that I just joined my first union. It's called the Nintendo 24/7 Union i tink. I'm to lazy to check. I hope I don't offend any of you people who think Nintendo is bad. Because i'm more neutral in the who's better out of the three systems thing. Nintendo Sony, or Microsoft. They are really all the same to me the only thing different is the size and look of the controllers and thats about it.

OK later guys, have a nice night!!!

got my sig

Ha! I finally got a picture on my sig, finally. I spent like hours trying to get a pic on my sig until i realized i had to gain more levels. I dont no how but i rose from level 2 to level 3 today for no reason. and i was like a level 2 with 4%.

I decided to raise my level some more so i tried to download some videos and watch them and rated like 25 games, but that did no effect!!.

O well see you guys tomorrow.

Today was horrible

Well today has been horrible, first i start to look for a union to join and wen i find some good ones, it seys to join the union you have to be level 3!!! That's so stupid I find a union thats lower than me (in percentage) and it seys i have to be a level 3.

So i decide to raise my level. Oh guess what, I DONT NO HOW TO RAISE MY LEVEl. i thought to raise it was adding games to my collection and wish list. It rose it like 4% but still did no help. Then i got the idea of posting stuff in the gamespot community. It rose a bit which made me happy.

So i decided that that was enuf for today. So i decided to make a signature. Everyone had awesome signatures, so i wanted one. I got a good pic and had it hosted, but then it wouldnt let me put it on my sig. I did the thing but it still didnt work. So i spent hours finding the problem and i cam up with this: which was below the sig edit thingy

"Note: Your current permissions allow you to use the following HTML tags (or their BBCode equivalents) in your signature:
<b><i><u><u><em><strong><center><p><br><p /><br/><span>"

If thats the problem, then this day was horrible