After a little over two years of use and abuse, my trusty polar white DS Lite finally cracked under pressure. I noticed it about a month ago while rocking out to Guitar Hero in the car. A tiny hairline fracture was beginning to appear on the right hinge next to the power indicator light. At first I freaked because I useally take extremely good care of my games except for the occasional drop here and there. Then I realize I was still in the middle of a song, so I franticly tried to catch back up and told myself the crack was no big deal. I shouldn't have said that. Two days ago when I opend up my DS, it was a big deal. The crack had split open and broke a chunk of the plastic off, exposing the hingy-axle-thing (whatever you call the metal bar that the screen pivots on). I freaked. I was scared to touch it because I thought the screen would fall off. I was scared to glue it because I might glue the screen in place also. Well I eventually grew a pair and wound up playing Trauma Center DS: Fo Realz. To my surprize the glue job worked and the hinge works like a charm (even though it looks like crap).
TL;DR my hinge exploded, now my screen is held on by super glue