I think you're talking about Afrika...it was delayed for a long long time, then was released over seas, but I actually saw it at Gamestop last I went. As far as how it plays I have no idea. Not much was ever known about it, think it was a phototography based game though.
I'm a big fan of the Predator so I can see past the faults of this game. I enjoyed the campaigns for each species, though they were incredibly short. The multi-player is fun if you can get into a ranked match. But there's always player matches going on. I haven't regretted my purchase at all. But if you're simply an FPS fan I do say RENT this game. But if you're a fan of either the Alien or Predator Universe its a solid BUY.
Just happened again. Quite Arkham Asylum and no XMB appears- system beeps 3 times and stays black. Only way to stop is to hold power button until the system turns off. What the hell?
This first happened to me a couple times while playing the Batman:AA Demo- I would quit the demo and try and get back to the XMB, but the system beeped, and the screen stayed black and was un-responsive. The only way to clear it was to hold the power button until the unit turned off. It's now happpened twice more with the actual Batman:AA retail game. I doubt it's something with the software, and I know it's nothing to do with the 3.0 update. Any ideas on what causes it? Or ifs its a sign of potential hardware failure? Thanks in advance.
Picked up the 500GB Western Digital (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136314) HDD a while back. Love it. I got about 296GB left after adding all my music, photos, and buying a bunch of Movies, TV series, etc. off of PSN. Highly reccomend it.
This happened twice to me while quitting the Arkham Asylum Demo. Screen went black, no crossbar. So I held the power button(on the actual console) until it turned off. When I turn it back on it boots fine, with no display issues or need to re-configure video settings, etc. I doubt it's something serious, but do any of you think its a pre-cursor to something serious and should get checked out? Thanks.
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