HG (heroes guild)
clan site http://www.freewebs.com/medelofhonorheroeshg/help.htm
HG (heroes guild)
clan site http://www.freewebs.com/medelofhonorheroeshg/help.htm
So I ended up with Coded arms, Monster Hunter, Armored core, NBA ballers,midnight club 3, and Splinter Cell Essentials and comments about these games would be appritiated I have allot of reveiewing to do :D
P.S Later I may get Killzone liberation any commments about that game would also be appriciated :)
Gamespot has a buy 2 get 1 free deal if you buy used so today I'm getting Monster Hunter Freedom (PSP) and Coded arms (PSP) + 1 more any recommendations or comments about Coded Arms or Monster Hunter :D
P.S The 3rd will be Killzone liberation (PSP) or Armored Core (PSP) 8)
Hey if you like games (shooting,car,adventure,simple) then go to my othe webpage it's awsome 8)
Thanks :)
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