The film of the week this time is SAVE THE GREEN PLANET!
This is a crazy film. It's about a man who thinks his wealthy industrialist boss is an alien in disguise. He tricks his girlfriend into following his disturbing schemes. All the while he does drugs, robs banks to help take care of his mother who is in a coma, raises bee's, and makes mannequins. That should be enough to convince you that this is a really strange film. The story is fairly simple with the main character kidnapping his boss because he thinks he is an alien, but then starts to torture him and the film gets crazier.
The tone shifts from goofy comedy to brutal violence in a way that can be quite abrupt and hard to follow. The plot gets pretty convoluted later on but it is such a strange and crazy film that is has to be seen to be believed. The violence may put you off but trust me it's a real gem.