The film of the week this time is BREAKER MORANT!
This is one of my favorite films. The lead actor Edward Woodward died recently, and this is by far his best film. It is about three Austalian soldiers in the Boer war who are on trial for killing prisoners even though they were ordered to. They are being used as Scapegoats so their superior officer General Staff can distance himself from the war. Unfortunately for him, the three soldiers put up a fight and things don't go as smoothly as the General intended. As a Brit myself it shames me to think of the horrible things my country has done in the past. No country is perfect of course and Britain has done many great things, but their treatment of the Australians in this film is sad to watch knowing that most of it was probably true. This is a great court room drama that I would consider one of the best ever.
They don't make films like this anymore. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in seeing the best Aussie film ever. I love seeing film about subjects we don't see all the time. This is a fantastic story that many probably don't know about. War films are great, but sometimes I get bored of the same old WW2 film. This is something different. It has power, and intensity, and tragedy. It pretty much has everything you would want from a great film.