The film of the week this time is WOLFEN!
I'm going to be honest here, I think most werewolf movies suck. There isn't much with a werewolf that you can do that hasn't been done before already. They tend to be a very dull monster compared to the emotional complexity and maturity that some vampire films have had in the past. In a werewolf film there is an innocent man who gets bitten and eventually he turns into a werewolf. The only emotional aspect of that is that he might kill someone close to him but then he is a wolf so it's not like he can show emotion well and when he transforms back there is some guilt but it is never very compelling. This though does something interesting with werewolves for once. What makes this film good is the slightly surreal atmosphere it has mixed with the interesting mix of symbolism, and mythology. The story is pretty cleverly written and has a good sense of dark comedy. If you like werewolf films I recommend this. It's not the best werewolf film, but it's much more interesting than most of them.