The film of the week this time is THE LIFE OF BRIAN.
Most people I talk to think that The Holy Grail is the Pyton's best film. I love all the films they did, but this one has always made me laugh the most. It is also their most consistant film. Heck despite how silly it is, I would say this is a fairly smart satire. When it came out it attracted some controversy because some people thought it mocked Jesus. It does the exact opposite in fact. Jesus only really appears one near the start. The great satire comes in when Brian is mistaken for the Messiah. There are tons of brilliant lines, and a memorable musical moment at the end. Monty Python has always been unique.
I may find some of their sketches from The Flying Circus a bit hit and miss, but their influence cannot be denied. I think this is one of the best comedies ever. Not only is it hilarious, but it paints a surprisingly realistic looking setting for the story to unfold. I can't really think of any bad lines or scenes. Some may find the alien scene a bit weird and random, but that is to be expected from the Pythons. There was nobody else like them. It's a shame we don't have more comedies like this.