The film of the week this time is BURIED.
Buried is one of the best and most underrated films of 2010. Sure it got a lot of good reviews, but people seemed to forget about it. What makes it so damn good is how it mixes it's technical acievement of having the majority of the film shot in a coffin, with a really engrossing story. I have never liked Ryan Reynolds much, but here he is fantastic. His character goes through a huge variety of emotions as he tries to get to grips with his situation.In a way this film is almost like a radio play. It could almost have been adapted to that format since most of it is Reynold's character talking to various people on the phone, which is how the story moves forward as we find out why he was put in this coffin.
Some may find it tough to watch because of the close quarters of the setting, but I still recommend checking it out. I liked how it didn't even show who was on the other end of his phone when he was talking to them. The film builds suspense brilliantly with just dialogue. Tension and suspense are hard to do well, especially in a damn coffin. Ryan Reynolds manages to make his character interesting enough to watch for the whole film, which is good since the whole film relies on us wanting to watch him. If you want to watch a good thriller, and dont mind the coffin part then I suggest watching this.