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Just got back from the Oscar nominee luncheon.

I had quite a good time. The people at my table were Kathryn bigelow, Michael giacchino, and the guy who did the visual effects from District 9. It started out a bit dull. I walked in the crowded room with my step dad and I noticed I was severly under dressed. I was wearing a vintage maroon jacket and a purple, red, and orange striped shirt underneat and everyone else was wearing fancy jackets and ties. I wanted a drink because there was nothing else to do so I walked over to the bar area and walked past a few cool people on the way like Jeff Bridges, Meryl streep, and Anna Kendrick. I realize though these are just people. Rich and successful people sure, but seeing all these crazy fans yelling out their names on the way into the luncheon hall made me less interested in the actors for some reason. I met Christoph Waltz and told him he did a great job in Inglorious basterds, but I was never one to do that kind of stuff most of the time.I know they are used to it, but if I talk to a celebrity I want to have a purpose not just tell them I am a big fan even if I am. The best part of the event was talking to Kathryn bigelow about the Hurt Locker and her other films like Near Dark. She was really nice, and I even met Jeremy Renner when he came to the table to talk to her.

During the lunch I was introduced to Roger Corman by my Step dad, which was great because when I told him I am a director he told me to call him in a few weeks after he was came back from filming in Mexico. Marco Belatrami was there too and he talked to my step dad for a while because he was a former student of my step dad's. He seemed shocked that his score to the Hurt locker was nominated. Michael Giacchino was probably the nicest person I met. He works with my mum on the music to Lost so he was talking about that and how she is working with the orchestra at the Oscars. After a few hours we had to leave, but on the way out I spotted Quintin Tarantino, and shook his hand and told him I am a director working on a swine flu comedy short film and I mentioned a film school I am going to that he recommended. After that I talked to Han Zimmer who knows my step dad. After that I left, so overall it was a good experience:) I wonder how the Oscars will go. The luncheon was pretty casual but the Oscars are quite formal with tuxedos and such. I hate wearing tuxedos, they are so dull most of the time. Women have so many options for dresses but guys are so limited. I am jealous of women at times, but I will be wearing a bright red tux which should be fun since everyone usually wears black.