I am not a fan of Quentin Tarantino. I just thought I would get that out of the way. I don't hate his films, but I only really liked Reservoir Dogs, and Jackie Brown. The rest are fun but very overhyped. This however is the first time in years he has made a film I very much enjoyed. This has got to be one of the most fun, and tension filled films I have seen in ages. Very few films make me want to punch the air or yell random swear words in excitment, so to me it is quite an achievement that I did that a few times with this film. Not out loud of course. WW2 films are very over done, it may be a tragic war with an infinite amount of stories to be told but after a while they bore me. This manages to inject some excitment into a tired genre by pretty much making it a western. I saw this film when it first came out and I liked it but not as much as i do now. Lets get the bad out of the way first, and there is very little bad thankfully. Eli roth is one of the worst casting choices in the film. I understand the point of his character, but he and Tarantino being good friends probably got him this role. It sure couldn't have been his acting, because every time he talked he ruined a scene. I wouldn't have minded if he came out, beat people up and either walked away or stood silently. But most of his lines are turned into trash when he speaks them. Also this may have been intentional, but I thought Brad Pitt was a bit overly cheesy.
That could just be the point of his character so I will not consider it a fault yet. Back to the good though, Christoph Waltz. Holy crotch goblins that guy is good. I haven't been so impressed by a villain in years. He is great because he appears kind and even goofy but can instantly switch and be terrifying the next. I am glad Tarantino cast him rather than a big hollywood star. I see good things in his future if he picks the right roles. I also loved how the music was a mix of other films rather than an original score. It may have sounded odd at first but it got better later on. I won't go into the plot too much, but I will say it involves nazis being killed. Some people have critisized this film for almost being juvenile in it's depiction of violence and it's idea of revenge. While some of the violence like the scalping didn't need to be shown, I can understand the point of it. It may be a bit juvenile, but it isn't meant to be a highly intellectual film. The massacre at the end may have made me think that one man's hero can be another's terrorist since maybe not everyone in the theater was evil but I can forgive the film that. There are some scenes of tension in this film that Tarantino did better than most films this year. The bar scene, while very long and drawn out was fantastic, and the intro scene are the two stand outs. I am glad I gave this film another chance, it is by far Tarantino's best film. I have always respected Tarantino as a great writer of dialogue and he is pretty good at making homages to older films. This though is his most consistant film and one I highly recommend.
Overall I give it a 8.5 out of 10.