Their last album Fear of a Blank planet was slightly underwhelming after the awesomeness that was In Absentia, and Deadwing. I loved it, but I didn't feel that it was as memorable aside from a few songs. The Incident however is a different story. I love this album more than any album I have heard in years. It has become my third favorite porcupine tree album after In Absentia, and Lightbulb Sun. The Incident is a double disk album with the first disk being the infamous 55 minute song. This is where the album had to shine instantly, if the first CD dragged at all it would be a failure overall. Fortunatley it works, most of the time. Some people have said the first CD sounds too scattered to be a single track.
The sound changes sound a bit random at times, and the flow is a bit odd but that to me is the charm of the album. Better than Green Carnation's Light of day day of darkness which was over an hour of mostly similar sounding metal with the occasional childern's choir thrown in for the hell of it. This however is different, the first cd works because of how different it all sounds. I would rather have a CD with lots of different sounds than a repetitive one. The first CD manages to be melodic, rocking, almost doom metal sounding at times, and all this mixed with porcupine tree's signature sound that borders on prog metal at times makes the first CD everything I had hoped it would be. The second CD is no different though it is not one continous track, it is just as good as the first CD. I highly recommend The Incident and I would say it is my favorite CD of the year next to Dear Hunter's new album, and destined solitare by Beardfish.
Overall I give it a 10 out of 10