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Update on my short movie.

I have had some casting problems, but that can be fixed pretty easily. I am focusing right now on making the script a story that is very dark yet also funny. For those who don't know the story, it is about 2 scam artist friends who start a phone psychic hotline. Unfortunatly some of their predictions they made as a joke came true and 2 agents from a society that stages elaborate hoaxs to do with psychics are after them to stop them. One of them thinks that they boy's psychic abilities are genuine and tries to help them, the other tries to stop them at all costs. Here is a scene I wrote today. The setup is that one of the agents has taken one of the boys hostage and is forcing him to kill himself to scare his friend into stopping what he is doing. Sam is the boy and the agent is Nathan. Enjoy:D

Sam is tied up in a chair and nathan has a knife.


I told you to stop your psychic BS, you are digging yourself a hole kid that I don't think you will be able to escape.
F you Nathan, what right do you have to tell me to stop? This is freedom of speach at its best. Plus don't you set up these psychic hoaxs for a living?
So what if I do that for a living? A job is a job, get off your damn high horse Sam. You and your friend's predictions are getting out of hand. Sure a few of them come true for some reason, but the ones that don't are the ones that we have to set up and frankly I am tired of helping you guys out with your overly elaborate predictions. One second you predict that someone will find true love and the next second you tell someone that they will die in 7 days. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you just like to mess with people's heads? The others may not want you guys to stop since you make us look good when your predictions come true, but I for one am going to make you stop.

How do you plan on making us stop? Are you using me to scare david? Are you going to kill me? You do realize right that the second you kill me you and your agency will get questioned by the police, heck they are already under suspiction for killing some people that we said would die.
Is that what this is about now? Are you predicting the deaths of people to expose my agency? That is sick Sam, that is fing sick. Why would you use people like that? Do their lives mean nothing to you?
The ends justify the means Nathan, in the end their deaths will expose you and your agency as frauds. What you guys do is illegal and immoral.

Nathan stands up and starts pacing the room.
Immoral? Are you really going to talk to me about morality when you have caused the deaths of at least 3 people already? What the hell kind of twisted logic is that?
The ends justify the means.
Dont give me that crap again, you are a sick person. I hope your friend David doesn't believe this crap as well.
Of course he does.
Jesus christ, that just makes me want to kill you even more.
My death will be the end of you you know, why risk it?
I know that damnit I know.
Nathan stands sits down and starts thinking.

If you kill yourself though I cant get in trouble.
You want me to kill myself? How are going to do that?
Nathan throws Sam the knife and pulls out a gun.
Go to the bathroom and cut your wrists, that way people will think you are actually suicidal.
And if I dont?
Well if you dont I will probably shoot you in the face.

Sam looks down at the knife in his hand.
So I either kill myself or I die?
Not much of a choice is it?
Not really, you dont benefit from either choice. Just hurry up and pick.

The phone rings and they both look at it, Nathan picks up the reciever.
Hi its me Jacob.Wait you arean't Sam, where is Sam? He usually does my predictions.
Sam is sick, I am filling in for him.
Oh ok, can you predict what my wife will buy me for my birthday? i really want to know. She doesnt want to ruin the surprise but I hate surprises.
Lets make a deal sir, if I can guess your wifes name then Sam will live, if I dont guess her name then he will probably die.
Die? Is he that sick? I dont want to be the one who predicts Sam dieing. I thought that was your job to predict stuff like that?
It is, but I just thought we would have some fun before we talk about your wifes gift.
Jesus Nathan dont do this.
Quiet Sam, Jacob and I are trying to talk. Anyway jacob, is your wifes name Jessica?
Well no its not, her name is Linda. Wait I thought you psychics knew everything? Are you a fraud or something?
Of course not Jacob, I am a psychic in training though and sometimes my powers can be a bit weak. Look Jacob I have to go, got to give Sam some medicine. You can call back in a few minutes though.

Nathan hangs up the phones and grins at Sam.
Well well isn't this a tragedy.
Please Nathan I dont want to die, why cant you just beat the crap out of me or set me on fire or something?

Nathan gets up and unties Sam.
Because that would only be a temporary solution to my problem. I would love to set you on fire, but for me this is much easier.

Nathan grabs sam and pushes him into the bathroom, throwing the knife after him. Sam looks back at him from the doorway, his eyes starting to tear up.

Sorry Sam, I hate this as much as you do. But in the end I think the ends justify the means. Wouldn't you agree?

Scene ends when Nathan closes the door and walks away.

What do you think?