every numbered Final fantasy
Every metal gear
Ever zelda (especially wind waker), giving you the boat to traverse the seas, made the game feel like a vast journey
Halo 1 and 2 (although a lot of the epic of 1 was lost in 2,)
half life 2
every numbered Final fantasy
Every metal gear
Ever zelda (especially wind waker), giving you the boat to traverse the seas, made the game feel like a vast journey
Halo 1 and 2 (although a lot of the epic of 1 was lost in 2,)
half life 2
The Singaporean guy was trying to bash the 360, not Americans. He got dragged into the whole American stereotype thing though.
This again??
You don't like Asian culture or games, we dig it already. You don't need to keep making these threads.
Speaking of cultural games, we need more French games.
Like Flashback. That was the best game I ever played when I was little :D
that game was soooooo awesome
i had that on my sega when i was around 9.
A dystopian actionthriller would be cool for a next gen game. Half-life 2 moves in that territory, but it'snarrative is severely lacking.
what if SE's 360 title is Chrono Break?
[QUOTE="Filonus"][QUOTE="E M I N 3 M"][QUOTE="Filonus"]
[QUOTE="E M I N 3 M"]All MS has to say is, "NG2 exlusively on X360!" and its a wrap! Everyone can go home after that :P Oh wait! Stick around & watch the 1st trailer :lol:supermechakirby
LOL...suuure kid.
seriously though, TGS will not be dominated by that game.
So what are we supposed to be on the look out for? Uncharted?IMO if NG2 is announced/shown, exclusively for X360...That's a show stopper! ;)1)Team ico's Ps3 project
2)FFXIII versus (in an inteview a while ago Nomura said he's wanted toshow off gameplay at TGS. he's already said the gameplaywill be an evolution of kingdom hearts'. I'm expecting DMC + zone of the enders + kingdom hearts = wtf
3) More FFXIII (even if NG2 does get announced. trust me :) everyone in TGS will chose to watch this.)
4) Kingdom Hearts III (watch the birth fromsleep trailer on gametrailers)
where the hell do you get DMC out of that..
I'm expecting DMC + zone of the enders + kingdom hearts = wtf
this is in regards to FFXIII versus' gameplay mechanics.
when Nomura describes what he wants to do, a hybrid of these three games comes to mind.
[QUOTE="Filonus"][QUOTE="Stabby2486"][QUOTE="imprezawrx500"]nice copycat thread, if your refering to singapore as 3rd world then your very wrong. 100% live in a clean, modern country. yeah the slums are clean. you also have one of dumbist presidents. go to war for nothing, bush calls apec opec and talkes about the austrians in iraq :lol:
let me ask you this question. where is america located in relation to asia in the world?
I think the Iraq war is worth fighting, but I don't think enough resources have beendedicated to Iraq's people.
explain what is being(has been)accomplished in EYE-RACK? (seriously can you people pronounce anything right lol)
Have you been there? Or are you going off what the negative media spews. If you have not been there shut up. Let this thread die. This is a freakin video game forum."what the negative media spews". STFU. where do you get your opinion from Fox news? those adverts where they get those poor souls who've lost limbs or comrades to say "this ain't politics. they attacked us. we need to stay the course"
of course thats bloody politics
A LOT of my ill-disposition towards the iraq war comes from accounts from american soldiers themselves. It comes from the families that have lost siblings.
Have you lost a brother, a mother, a father a sister to the war?
do you even know why it's being waged?
This whole topic has become silly and childish.
If you are not american don't hate us for having the lord of stupid as the "president" of the U.S.
If you are american do not hate our foreign brothers and sisters as they have great things to offer, and some also have their very own lords of stupid running and ruining their civilization as well.
Gamers are gamers no matter where they are from. Dislike and hatred for one another only leads to the darkside.
Remember the great Yoda..
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to the darkside."
We can all treat one another with the respect we all deserve.
i dont hate americans.
i just find it quite frustrating that the veterans of vietnam, and what they sacrificied didnt factor into the thinking of the american populace when BUSH got re-elected.
The last thingthe world needs now is a war president.
[QUOTE="imprezawrx500"]nice copycat thread, if your refering to singapore as 3rd world then your very wrong. 100% live in a clean, modern country. yeah the slums are clean. you also have one of dumbist presidents. go to war for nothing, bush calls apec opec and talkes about the austrians in iraq :lol:
let me ask you this question. where is america located in relation to asia in the world?
I think the Iraq war is worth fighting, but I don't think enough resources have beendedicated to Iraq's people.
explain what is being(has been)accomplished in EYE-RACK? (seriously can you people pronounce anything right lol)
"The Greatest Country in the World" is (due to the shocking fact that 100% of Americans live in a clean, modern country not some 3rd world run down dump) But we're a large country.
yes because everyone in America lives in a wonderfully clean, and crime-free suburb. I stayed in Illinois for about 6 weeks, i know you're talking from your a$$.
I went on a greyhound to new york and saw ridiculous poverty-stricken neigbourhoods on my way there, that looked like shanty towns in the 3rd world.
Please TC STFU
the amount of BS you actually typed in that rambling post of yours is actually impressive.
[QUOTE="AHUGECAT"]With poor 360 sales in Japan... no.PS3_3DO
If a game like this was on the 360 is wouldn't have poor sales in Japan then. Maybe SE is thinking that. ;)
this is wishful thinking and you know it is. Just like this whole thread.
If it does get announced i'll admit "ownage" but iREALLy doubt it.
[QUOTE="Filonus"][QUOTE="E M I N 3 M"]All MS has to say is, "NG2 exlusively on X360!" and its a wrap! Everyone can go home after that :P Oh wait! Stick around & watch the 1st trailer :lol:E M I N 3 M
LOL...suuure kid.
seriously though, TGS will not be dominated by that game.
So what are we supposed to be on the look out for? Uncharted?IMO if NG2 is announced/shown, exclusively for X360...That's a show stopper! ;)1)Team ico's Ps3 project
2)FFXIII versus (in an inteview a while ago Nomura said he's wanted toshow off gameplay at TGS. he's already said the gameplaywill be an evolution of kingdom hearts'. I'm expecting DMC + zone of the enders + kingdom hearts = wtf
3) More FFXIII (even if NG2 does get announced. trust me :) everyone in TGS will chose to watch this.)
4) Kingdom Hearts III (watch the birth fromsleep trailer on gametrailers)
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