As you all have noticed that Jonas (FinalHorror as you guys know him) has been missing.
January 14th there was a car crash not so far from Bergen. Two cars crashed and everything looked fine, everybody got out of the car except Jonas, he was stuck. Suddenly a truck was coming their way and he didn’t notice the two cars before it was too late. Jonas died with no pain. It’s so hard to write, he was my best friend. We did so much together, and we had all these plans, and now, now he’s gone and we can’t do all the things we wanted. We was going to go to China this summer, we had the money and everything. And he was dating this girl and they both was totally in love, and now he is gone. And he was doing so great with the soccer. It’s so hard to accept. He scored goal after goal this season. He was one of the best on the team, no one there will forget him and I hope you guys won’t either.
Well I think he would want me to tell this to you people since he loved this site. I have no idea how much time he could spend here, but what I know is that he loved this site. Sometimes he could just talk about things he was doing for the unions and sometimes about how much work there was, but all the time you could notice that he loved the site and he wanted so many others to join. He asked me maybe 100 times. It's just so many thing i can say about him, he was a great guy and all
Let Jonas rest in peace and let no one forget him
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