I've heard a lot of debate about whether or not Muramasa is a true JRPG or not. Hardcore technical JRPG fans argue that it is not a true JRPG because battles are not turn-based, and even though the game is RPG in name, it plays more like a hash-n-slash. I consider it a JRPG that has a shorter than average story, less depth, and isn't as traditional. What do you guys think?
The music is really cool (especially during battles), but sounds sad much of the time. The theme is a little confusing though, it feels European Medieval, yet first city you start in is steam punk! It's neat how they merged those two settings.
I have no problem with the Wii's graphics or online capabilities. Maybe because I prefer 1-player games. (^-^) But I wouldn't mind if they upgraded the console in those respects.
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