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Scary Not from the Goverment And a HUGE blessing

**fingers crossed** Hopefull this will work!

So I have been trying to post a blog since last week, but due to numerous bugs I've been unable to. Like most people I've been barred from leaving comments on blogs-due to a bug- but I've tried leaving comments on almost everyone's blog, so I am reading them.

Today I got a scary letter from the Government. It said that I hadn't registered for the Selective Service yet and unless I did so ASAP I was facing jail time. This freaked me out. I always thought you registered after you graduated high school, but apparently your supposed to on your 18th birthday. So I quickly did that online. It was still scary.

Sunday, my family received a HUGE blessing. About two years ago my mom fell in the kitchen and hurt her back. This wouldn't be a big deal if she didn't already have Degenerative Disc Disease. After seeing our doctor he told her there was no way she would be able to work again and that she needed to file for Social security Disability.

Thus started a long, depressing journey. Anyone who knows anything about SSD knows it is unreasonably too hard a process. 98% of people who apply get turned down. After that you are allowed to get an attorney to help you, but there is still more than an 90% chance you'll be turned down. If you apply a third time you get to go before a judge and 98% of people win their case. But it is still a long process just to get to that third time.

So for two years we've been on this road and as you travel further and further down this road, the conditions get worse. 2006 was when things got really bad. Our car died, my dad ended up in the hospital, I almost had to have surgery on my back among other things. Things were looking really bleak. Finally, though my mom got her court day in November. After the hearing the judge wrote out his verdict and sealed it. The attorney said he was 99.9% they'd won. But we wouldn't know for 6 months!! So for three months we've been worrying and praying and hoping. 

Then it seemed there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The last week of January, my mom got a letter saying she'd won her case, and would receive her back pay sometime in the next two months. We were excited. Our prayers had been answered. Then things got worse.

On Super Bowl night a pipe burst in our wall, then exactly one week later our drier died. In one week we'd spent over $500 on repairs. Once again there was a dark cloud hanging over our heads. There was no way we'd make it another month. So on Sunday my mom was surprised to find a letter from the Social Security Administration. Thankfully, it was the letter saying she'd receive her back pay either on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. We figured it'd be Tuesday(or today) because Monday was President's Day and the Government was closed, so to speak. She happened to call the bank a few minutes latter, so she could pay some bills, and miraculously the money had already been deposited!! It was just so amazing. It was like the weight of the ocean had been lifted of our family's shoulders. They say you know when the Lord has blessed you, and He definitely did.