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Video Games and Propaganda...

This is my first blog so I thought that I should devote it to a matter that troubles me every time I see a game like Call of Duty 4, Fracture or anything that carries the "Tom Clancy" label on it.Don't get me wrong, these are all great pieces of electronic entertainment but what about the political situations they approach and the whole ethos behind them...?

Being europian and considering myself a thinking person I have zero tolerance for all forms of propaganda...and since there is one, very specific country these days that produces it by the gallon I, like everyone else, have to cope with it to some extend...its the american kind of propaganda.There are other kinds as well in this industry, polluting it to its very core but I am more concerned about the political messages in said category so I'm gonna focus on them.

It's common knowledge that in every industry with a wide audience there are always examples of political groups, countries, corporations etc, who try to pass messages in order to bring civilians (or to state it better "consumers") to their side of things.It has happened in the past with music, cinema, literature and now its video games' turn to bear the "burden".Some times the motives are "innocent" like the need to appeal to a larger number of people and in order to achieve that the developers select a bigger demographic (the american market) to reach their goals.Other times things are worse...

Its not mere coincidence that "the bad guys" in most "politically correct" titles out there are countries or parties opposing the U.S.A's interests and "ideals".It really requires only half a brain for someone to undestand that not all N.Koreans, Chinese, Russians are evil or that all the political figures of said countries are practitioners of the black arts (if you get my meaning).Through this industry, the States (I'm talking goverment here, not the people in general) are feeding the medium false info about a variety of topics like personal freedom in countries of the east or the "primitivity" of certain countries and their lack of potential for improvement and technological advancement.It's no coincidence either that many american users in some lobby playing some game will accuse the "non - american" user of lagging or causing lag for the (the chance of them causing the problem is never in question, of course).

And really, is it possible for people to spend time on Army of Two and not realise the foul play involved?I mean seriously...

So, by putting the blame on all others than themselves the states and the developement teams "that stand by them" create (with the help of other media) a mass of uneducated and misguided people who will at some point be able through their voting right to force opinions and judgement to others despite their ignorance...

I can't help though but wonder:Now that more countries enter the power struggle how long will it take until the Russian, Chinese etc "hero" will be ridding the world of the "american menace"?Surely, this reality is not far away...