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FireColder Blog

About Me. :)

Name: Fire

Age: 13

Likes: Farts, Flowers, and :x

Dislikes: Weenerz, youmom, and worms.

Hobbies: Pooping, smelling poop, and judging poop.

Favorite Picture:Poop.

Super Chick Sisters...

Peta made a game. A game about chicks. Chicks dying by KFC. So epic. Please tell me what you think of this game. Ugh :(


Today is a great day in history as I recieved my first profile thing. I am teh cool, and everyone else is teh suxorz.

Ass Wiping Bears

You know those Charmin commercials with the bears? When they go to a party do they only talk about ass wiping? Cause thats all they do! All the oher TV commercial things would have to avoid talking to them.


Horray for gamestop!!!!!

I went to gamestop the other day and i bought a gamecube, a memory card, a controler, Luigi's mansion, and Super Smash Brothers! It was only $78.45!!!!!! MY BEST FRIEND GAMESTOP!!!!:D